
Yes, the collection of dishcloths is growing, but my yarn acquisition has taken a turn for the worse. It’s all my birthday’s fault. The yarn acquisition part that is. I have already received checks for my birthday, plus I was offered a small job that pays me for the next two weeks. That’s a lot of stash/yarn money. The plans for a birthday pilgrimage are already in place. We live a little over an hour from Reno and you guessed it: Jimmy Beans Wool. This will be my first time to this Mekka and I don’t plan to leave empty handed. The rest of the birthday plans involve food and dance concert. But first stop: Jimmy Beans.

In the meantime I have been practicing acquisition skills. The other day I came close enough to a Michaels that I felt the pull of the cotton yarn. And Joann was not far away. One store matched the sale price of the other and you can see the rest of the story below:

cotton yarn

That’s lots and lots of dishcloths! If you know me and I like you, a dishcloth could be in your future. But this wonderful yarn makes much more than just dishcloths. It makes decorations that bring smiles to my face. The first glimpse of my silly grins came when looking at the following site: Attic24. scroll down and you will find lots more links for free projects. This woman knows color and surrounds herself with them. It makes me happy to look at her site. Enjoy.

Considering how I like dishcloths now, I find it amazing that I have done very few variations. Here is another ballband one and a relative, at least colorwise.

dishcloth relatives

Just found this post in my drafts. A bit late, but will post now so you can see my dishcloth addiction.

Needless to say, my birthday brought lots more yarn!