My first world problem this fall: my computer. Great iMac I had inherited from Stephen, huge screen, fast and shiny, but started having graphic card trouble. A known issue for this particular computer. Sigh, macs are not what they used to be, or did they just fall off my pedestal?
Repair, right?! At the tune of hundreds of dollars, something like $600, it seemed more prudent to invest into a new computer. Did I mention first world problem?
Finally the macbook pro joined our family, loves traveling with us, and has shown to be effective and efficient for me and Stephen working on the road.
So what’s been happening over here? A trip to visit daughter in Denver and my first snow experience of the year. Did it have to be a blizzard that delayed our flight for a day? But a nice walk in her Denver neighborhood (Highlands), getting some food and wine and enjoying and celebrating the extra day. There might have been boardgames involved too, or was that a crossword puzzle? I do remember Stephen ending up on the floor in their fixer upper chair:
Since Liana is getting married next year they took us to their wedding venue and the restaurant that will do the catering. The restaurant was featured on one of the Man vs. Food episodes, no, this will not be the theme of the wedding.
Here are some pictures of the venue out in the country:
Yes, it did get a bit silly!
Back home, Daisy was not doing so well. She has slowed down in the last months, but now she was super slow, enough for us to take her to the vet. Turns out she has a collapsed disk in her spine. Pain is what slowed her. She is on meds and doing better, on today’s walk she even felt young enough to dance around a dog she wanted to play with. If you know Daisy you know how extremely rare such a reaction is.
I don’t really want her to run too much. It can’t be that good for the disk. But pain is under control apparently. She also gets to claim as much bed as she wants during the night. This actually has gotten out of hand, Stephen and I combined have less space than Daisy has.
On the knitting front, I’ve ordered some yarn, but you’ll have to wait until it arrives to get a peek at it. No yarn from Denver, not even a yarn store. There used to be one around the corner from Liana, but it moved. This made our vacation much cheaper, of course.
They do have a game store relatively close, and I got them Agricola. Though I love the game I made a fatal mistake that had me in a position with no chance in hell to get caught up. I tried to get out of the game and do something else, but pressure from the other players kept me prisoner. I did random moves with eyes closed, or tried to sabotage others’ moves. I still love the game, but that particular experience was a drag.
In the meantime while in Denver, a game arrived in the mail: Castles of Burgundy. A few weeks later and we haven’t played it yet. Thanksgiving really got in the way. And my old brain power that is not so keen on reading rules anymore, or rather understanding them. What? Turn to page 8 to see details? There is a page 8 in the rules? That used to be fun, not anymore.
Thanksgiving went well with some unpleasant surprises, but we’ll overlook those since most of my life we’ve had great Thanksgivings to look back on. The food was good, and all vegan!
Hey Marianna, Sorry about computer problems they are really hard! We just put another couple hundred dollars into our computer and help keep our fingers crossed it will still be running. It was really nice to see the venue where liana and her intended are you going to get married looks really nice! It was nice to hear A little more of what’s going on with you and glad to know you’re all OK except of course Daisy who sounds like she’s having a hard time! We could not believe the Daisy is old enough to have disk problems! We will send you pictures of where we had Thanksgiving it was really beautiful as you will see. Right now we are trying to clean your whole house and bring out more winter clothes and this is supposed to were trying to make this fun but it’s not right now.? we did have a great time at the beach yesterday. Lemon torse bit it was gorgeous 60° and sunny and calm
gotta say Stephen looks pretty comfortable, any which way. But I am a little worried about his Big Foot! I guess being in the Mile High City does that.
Welcome home, looking forward to a game before this year is old news.
Melanie, thanks for trying to clean our house; it’s way beyond our abilities. And that sounds like the perfect temperature for a lemon torse bit! Dawn, I hadn’t even noticed my Big Foot; what an understatement – I’ll email the pic to our doctor straightaway.