Since I haven’t stopped making dishcloths, there are enough for the four of you who are interested. That would be Kate, Debra, Cereza, and Mardi.
Let me know if you want a particular one. If I still have that one, it’ll be yours. Pick up is at our house and I’ll put a bag with your name containing the dishcloths out front on the round table. I don’t feel well enough for visits, even short ones. My health has been shitty and I’m glad when I survive the day.
Pickup is any time, any day. Here are the choices again (for now):

I’m so happy to win something I actually want. Thank you!
I’m happy with any one of the cloths. Whatever you choose and put my name on the bag – I will be happy with.
I do wish that healing is in the cards for you. And I hope it’s going to happen soon.
Wahoo! Thank you!! ❤️ all … my favs are: row 1 – green, row 2 – middle multi & row 3 – middle white … that said will be thrilled with any 😘
kate, cereza, and mardi, your bags are outside on the round table in a box. help yourself to yours.